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Start with a comprehensive set of email best practices to position your MSP as a trusted advisor.
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Start with a comprehensive set of email best practices to position your MSP as a trusted advisor.
Mailprotector is proud to be a Gold Sponsor at the 2023 ChannelPro SMB Forum in Washington, DC. We are no strangers to ChannelPro events and always love meeting with members and MSPs nationwide.
The Washington D.C./Dulles conference is the second ChannelPro event of the year. After an ice storm, the first event in Dallas reenforuced to us that MSPs are dedicated and passionate. Just another reason we love being a part of the community as a 100% channel-only cybersecurity vendor.
This year, our focus remains on email security, and we will help MSPs understand the difference in email security options. Our goal is to help inform you to make the right decisions for your clients. Customers can’t ignore email security. So, what are your options? Where do you start?
Email hacks aren’t new; they’ve been around as long as email has. Despite how much better email security is getting at keeping them out, the reality is they’re still happening and will continue to happen.
Ransomware payments were up considerably last year, but the average amount of that payment was down. You might wonder, what does this mean? Learn more in our presentation. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what email security you should have for your customers and why.
Mailprotector exists to reset how MSPs think about email security,cutting through the noise with email protection that’s smart enough to be simple.
As THE zero trust email security company, our approach sets a new industry standard. It doesn’t just stop threats, it resets trust by questioning everything, so you don’t have to.