High security
Messages are encrypted using AES-256 standards and geographically distributed keys.
Fewer support tickets
No more lost passwords! Fool-proof sign-in mails you a secure, expiring link.
Unrivaled flexibility
Send secure encrypted email and safely transfer files from any email app or web browser.

A new way to use outbound email encryption
We designed Bracket to be the ideal encrypted email service. People don’t like to install things that have to be updated, they don’t like creating accounts for a product they don’t always use, and they frequently forget their password, so we removed all of that from the equation.
Bracket still lets you securely send encrypted email and files, but it’s so much easier to use. Check out our quick overview video to see why Bracket is loved by everyone.

Encrypted messages and
files accessible from our
secure, easy to use portal
Message activity log
for accountability
Works great on any device
with no feature degradation
MX-free for Office 365 new!
Now a standalone version of Bracket can be deployed for Office 365 with no need to change your MX records to route through Mailprotector’s filtering services.
- Completely automated setup
- Instant deployment to users
- Automatic user sync

Bracket Share new!
Secure file transfer (as large as 1GB)
Included with Bracket is our encrypted file transfer service, Bracket Share. This gives every Bracket user their own personalized file transfer page with an easy URL (Share link) they can give to anyone. Shared files and messages show up in the Bracket inbox just like a regular message.
- Customizable link
Bracket Share links are customizable, so users can make them easy to remember and share. - Personalized invites
You can have Bracket email people an invitation to share. These can display your personalized profile, so your contacts feel more confident about sharing their sensitive data. - Anyone can share at anytime
Anyone with your Share link can share encrypted files and messages when it’s convenient for them. No account required. - Sender validation
Senders who share through the Share link are securely validated via inbox authentication to prevent abuse.

Personalize your
share link
Show your Bracket
profile info
Add files up to 1GB
(25 files per share)
Ultra-secure data encryption
Don’t let Bracket’s ease of use fool you. The email encryption standards we employ to secure your email data are state of the art. Bracket is built on a distributed, multi-layer AES-256 encryption design with automatic key rotation. This means you never have to wonder if your data is safe.

Lightning fast sign in without sacrificing security
Securely sign in without a password
Simply request to sign in using your email address, then click the secure link from your inbox (the same way password resets are handled most of the time). Bracket bakes in extra security to maintain the highest email encryption standards, so it’s actually more secure than password logins.
Expiring, one-time-use links
Bracket sign-in links expire 15 minutes after being delivered. In addition, each sign-in link only works once, so you never have to worry about someone rummaging through your inbox and opening old links.
Geolocation of sign-in requests
As an additional layer of security, sign-in request notifications also include the requesting device IP and approximate location.
Advanced device fingerprinting
Sign-in links will only work from the device that originally requested access. If a different device attempts to sign in, the link is invalidated and the session is blocked.

Send from any email client on any OS
Email encryption software is usually constrained to a specific operating system or mail client, but Bracket frees you up to send encrypted email from literally any email client. So whether your users prefer iPhone, Android, Windows, Linux, or PC (or maybe they just can’t let go of their Blackberry)… it simply doesn’t matter with Bracket.

No apps or plugins to install
Most secure email encryption solutions rely on downloading and installing numerous apps and plugins depending on where you’re sending from, but Bracket takes a different approach. To send an encrypted email with Bracket, just wrap the subject in brackets and send it on its way. It’s really that simple.

Ephemeral message storage
Sensitive data shouldn’t default to being kept forever. With Bracket, all data is temporary and there are no mailbox quotas to keep track of. Just send and receive secure messages and go on with your day. By default, messages expire in 1 year, but you can set any message to expire sooner if you wish.

Personal data keys
A personal data key gives you ultimate control of your encrypted message data. When you enable this feature, all of your messages are encrypted in a way which requires the personal data key in order to decrypt the data. And since this key is never stored in Bracket, only you hold the key to reading your messages. You control the key, you control your data.

We’ve made it easy to securely get your data out of Bracket and back in to the other email systems you use that are designed for retention, discovery, and reporting. Seamless archive integration allows you to automatically have your data securely journaled to an archive. The optional ‘Export to Inbox’ feature even allows users to instantly and securely transfer the message to their normal email inbox.

Common email encryption questions
How do I encrypt my email with Bracket?
Bracket email encryption software was made to be simple. To get encrypted info from one person to another without tacking on extra work, we simplified it to two characters in the subject line: two brackets.
Just put [brackets] around the subject line of your email and send. Bracket doesn’t require additional apps, plugins, or separate passwords and you’re ready for outbound email encryption.
Can I use Bracket with my email API point solution?
API point solutions don’t have any control over the routing of outbound email, so they can’t do outbound email encryption. You can only encrypt email with a complete email security platform delivered through a secure email gateway. Bracket’s uniquely simple approach is only possible when an email security vendor can offer a complete email security platform.
What is the maximum file size I can send with Bracket?
Bracket allows files up to 1gb and up to 25 files per secure message.
Does my email platform matter?
Mailprotector’s Bracket email encryption tool works across all platforms, no matter where the users are hosted.
Is Bracket really patented?
Yes. Mailprotector holds U.S. Patent No. 10708244 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for Bracket®, as a system and method for email encryption, storage, and transmission of digital information.
Is Bracket HIPAA compliant?
Yes, Bracket is a patented email encryption service that meets HIPAA compliant email encryption standards.
What type of encryption does Bracket use?
Bracket messages are encrypted using AES-256 standards utilizing geographically distributed keys.
Who uses Bracket Share?
Anyone can use Bracket Share: CPAs, attorneys, financial professionals, and health care providers. Bracket Share makes it easy for your clients and customers to send a file or message securely.
How do customers get to my Bracket Share page?
The Bracket Share URL can be customized from the Bracket portal. Most users include the URL in their email signature, and some include it on their personal profiles of a company website.
Is Bracket Share an extra charge?
The “Share” feature is included with every Bracket license.
When would I use MXless Bracket?
Some organizations will not, or cannot, change the email flow away from Microsoft 365. In those cases, Bracket can be deployed through rules in M365 to encrypt emails as easily as the full solution.
Is MXless Bracket a different version of Bracket?
Bracket is the same, easy-to-use, email encryption regardless of deployment method. The MXless “version” just means you don’t have to change the domain’s MX records. M365 is configured to do some of the work Mailprotector does when the full solution is deployed.
Does MXless Bracket only work with Microsoft 365?
Yes. We hope to add support for Google Workspace in the future. On-premise Exchange deployments do not have the requirements to integrate the MXless option.
Can MXless Bracket be deployed for specific users?
Yes. There are a couple of ways to manage which users get licensed for Bracket. The Partner Success team can help explain those options.