SOURCE: ChannelPro
Mailprotector’s new product Shield, announced in September, applies the zero trust principle of permission-based access to email security—a fresh approach built on the three pillars of protection, privacy, and productivity. The intent is to give users control over what reaches their inbox and when while blocking all unwanted and malicious content.
“Shield is the most capable email security platform we’ve ever created,” says Ben Hathaway, Chief Technology Officer at Mailprotector, a channel-only cybersecurity company.
Taking a new look at an old problem and leveraging two decades of experience is nothing new for Mailprotector. According to Hathaway, the vendor took the same approach with its patented Bracket email encryption solution.
“Every single email security product has been fighting a losing battle. They’re built on the wrong foundation—an assumption that goes back to the creation of the SMTP protocol. It’s an open protocol built for a closed, trusted network. That assumption means the attack vectors are nearly infinite,” he says.
Mailprotector decided to flip that paradigm and address not only email security and privacy but also lost productivity due to the “noise” of emails flooding users’ inboxes throughout the day and the need to manage spam and other junk mail.
Shield will eliminate phishing attempts and “deliver a one-of-a-kind email experience, bringing calm back to your inbox,” Hathaway says.
A year in development, Shield is tightly integrated with Office 365. It quickly learns user behavior and then disappears into the background—exactly what you want from this type of product.
Shield combines all email activity, both in transit at the gateways and at rest in the inbox, creating a comprehensive picture of the email intelligence needed to fully protect users.
In addition to protecting organizations by eliminating whole categories of threats, including phishing, Shield enhances outbound protection with a new approach to intelligent business email compromise detection “because our partners need this.”
Regarding privacy, the solution removes trackers from emails, masks MX records, and more, Hathaway says.
“Privacy has been underplayed and is a missed opportunity in our industry to better protect users’ data from being leaked through normal email usage.”
On the productivity side, Shield helps users regain control of their inboxes by reducing the constant influx of emails and allowing them to decide what should be delivered in real time versus what can wait for a more convenient time. Additionally, Shield offers a mechanism to automatically correct false positives that Office 365 mistakenly sends to junk mail.
“Shield is a highly integrated system that delivers a one-of-a-kind email experience, bringing calm back to your inbox,” Hathaway says.
Shield was announced at DattoCon 2022 in September. It will launch as a private beta for Mailprotector partners and then as a full release later in the year or early 2023.