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Sunny Kaila (IT By Design) Interview with David Setzer

Sunny Kaila of IT By Design Interviews David Setzer of Mailprotector

Sunny Kaila, the Founder & CEO of IT By Design, speaks with David Setzer about what MSPs should focus on today if they want to be successful in 2023 for his “Sunny’s Silver Linings” series.

Sunny: What is the biggest challenge that you see I must be facing in 2023 and what they need to be focusing on today to be successful in 2023?

David: I think from what we’ve seen with the macroeconomic environment coming, one of the biggest things is going to be demonstrating value. Taking care of the customers that you have right now and demonstrating your value to them. Because, when IT works, nobody notices, right? It just happens. Everything just flows. In this environment, that may become a little more challenging.

We just saw some some news from from GOP the other day talking about how it MSPs are not in recession right now, which is great, but now is also the time to be a little defensive and to make sure your customers know what you’re doing. I think that would be absolutely critical.

Sunny: What I hear you say is to be able to articulate that value prop on a regular basis to your customer so that they see the value and know that IT is something that they have to keep and can’t cut during a recession.

David: Absolutely. Because they’re going to be under cost and expense pressure. You’re going to be under price pressure as an MSP and the adage that we talk about is, “what have you done for me lately?” Continually remind them what you’ve done for them lately. What you’re doing for it.

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Sunny Kaila is the Founder, CEO, and real-life American Dream behind IT By Design, the leading talent solutions provider for MSPs across the globe.

David Setzer, the Founder and CEO of Greenville-based cybersecurity & email security company Mailprotector.