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How MSPs Use Encryption as an Effective Sales and Lead Generation Tool

The tools MSPs employ to support their clients’ businesses must be, first and foremost, effective. After all, organizations won’t and shouldn’t need to pay for products and services that don’t properly support their operations and objectives. That’s what most refer to as a “no-brainer”.

The bigger question for MSPs is “would you like to get more from your tools?” Virtually every provider should shout “yes” ̶ especially if the proposed solutions were a “win-win” for their businesses as well as those of their clients.

IT services companies commonly “eat their own dog food” when it comes to testing out products and services. In other words, they use the solutions that they sell and support inside of their own organizations, giving themselves greater insight into the positive and negative aspects of those offerings. That tactic also allows MSPs to test out various systems to see which will work best in various scenarios.

The knowledge and proficiencies gained from these personal experiences help providers improve the quality of their portfolios and refine their implementation and support processes. Smart MSPs highlight their own use of specific solutions in sales and marketing discussions, emphasizing the value of the products and services they deliver as well as their commitment to excellence. Those who don’t discuss the “eating our own dogfood” side of the IT equation miss out on a key closing opportunity.

Easy and Effective Encryption Tools Make a Difference

The first step in making a solution sale is focusing on a specific customer need. Encryption is the perfect example, as secured communications are no longer an option for many organizations. Regulations and industry compliance requirements, as well as general business concerns, are forcing many organizations to encode their email messages. Unfortunately, that process is confusing and cumbersome, and adoption resistance among employees can be quite strong.

They want easier security options. Traditional email encryption forces most people outside of their own technological comfort zone. Recipients are often forced to jump through hoops, such as learning the processes for receiving and sending coded messages, and remembering their credentials to log in and download the information.

While encryption may not seem complicated to tech-savvy individuals, some will purposely avoid using these solutions whenever possible. Traditional offerings are not very user-friendly. That makes life difficult for the MSPs charged with implementing and supporting these solutions, as well as their customers who rely on company-wide adoption to meet industry and regulatory compliance requirements.

Mailprotector’s Bracket email encryption solution is the exception. The coding process is simple for both senders and recipients with zero compromises in security. Multi-layer AES256 encryption and two-factor authentication keep email messages away from prying eyes. This revolutionary program allows users to send encrypted messages from any email client on any device just by wrapping the subject in brackets (see how easy Bracket is for yourself here). Recipients simply click a link to receive the secure message. No logins, plugins, software, or apps to download.

One hidden benefit of Bracket is the lead generation opportunities it can create for your business.

Next Level Lead Gen

In the age of multi-tiered marketing, referrals remain the top recruitment tool for a large majority of the MSP community. Customer recommendations strengthen the value of your company and the services it delivers because they come from people they know and trust. No marketing spin. Just an honest discussion about the pros of working with your company.

To close more sales, MSPs must get as close to their clients and prospects as possible. That proximity improves communications and allows providers to discuss and demonstrate the services they deliver. Businesses spend billions of dollars each year trying to make that connection.

There are easier and more cost-effective ways to drive new business. Imagine your clients playing a different role, sharing part of a solution with their partners and customers that resulted in new sales opportunities for your firm. Mailprotector partners already have that option.

Bracket turns messages your clients send out into lead generation opportunities for your business. When they send a Bracket encrypted message, recipients can click on a link in the message to receive more information on the solution. The information they provide doesn’t come back to Mailprotector, it goes directly to the MSP that owns the sender’s account.

That’s a real-time lead generation opportunity: contact information for someone who has already experienced the ease of using Bracket as an encryption tool and expressed interest in learning more. Consider it a stealthy yet effective referral from existing clients.

These are the types of partnership opportunities MSPs deserve. Ready to deliver innovative technologies that exceed your clients’ wildest expectations with a built-in lead generation option to drive new security sales? Get in touch with a Mailprotector partner account manager today!