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Start with a comprehensive set of email best practices to position your MSP as a trusted advisor.
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Start with a comprehensive set of email best practices to position your MSP as a trusted advisor.
LIVE DEMO: Tuesday, Nov. 14th, 2023 | 2:00 PM EST
Hosted by Ben Hathaway (Chief Technology Officer @ Mailprotector)
Get an in-depth overview of our new product, Shield. Learn why we created it, and how it will help your MSP business, then stick around for a Q&A. See for yourself how Shield will transform the way you provide email security.
Mailprotector exists to reset how MSPs think about email security,cutting through the noise with email protection that’s smart enough to be simple.
As THE zero trust email security company, our approach sets a new industry standard. It doesn’t just stop threats, it resets trust by questioning everything, so you don’t have to.
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